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**Day 14: Embracing Nature's Dualities - From Jispa to Chandigarh**

Dated 11th August Day 14 dawned with a gray canvas as raindrops met the earth in Jispa. We peered outside our window, sensing that rain was poised to be our companion for the day. After a quick breakfast, we fortified ourselves against the rain, draping everything in waterproof layers. The highlight of today's journey was the famed Atal Tunnel, a 9-kilometer marvel, awaited after crossing Sisu. As we passed Kelong, we paused for a tea break, capturing the entrance of Atal Tunnel through our lenses. But amidst the anticipation, a doubt crept in—was the tunnel really that extraordinary? After all, we had already traversed tunnels of similar lengths when entering Ladakh from Chandigarh. Emerging from the tunnel, an enchanting transformation greeted us—Solang's sunny realm had given way to Solang's enigmatic fog. The air was dense with mist, rendering our bike handles almost invisible. We navigated with caution, wary of both the road and other vehicles amidst the ethereal haze.

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